Fluffy Chicks
Tuesday mornings ‘Fluffy Chicks’ Parent & Toddler group from 9.45am
Contact – fluffychicks21@gmail.com
Pilates Classes
Monday mornings at 9.30am Pilates classes with Sandy Wills.
(Term time)
Contact – sandie.wills@hotmail.co.uk
Village Bar
The bar is only open when booked in advance for events such as weddings, please ask for details.
The Coffee Pot on Wednesday mornings between 10.30 and 12.00
The Coffee Pot started in October 2011, to provide a meeting place for Village people, with refreshments at “not for profit” rates. Increasingly, visitors from outside the village are being welcomed.
Although we operate at rock bottom prices, we do make a small profit, and this too has shaped us. Now, we not only provide a place for friends to meet, and a source of a little revenue for the Village Hall but regularly, we draw the name of one of our volunteers out of a hat – and this person can designate a favourite charity for a donation.
Everyone is welcome, and everyone, just by coming, adds something to the Village and its Hall. We meet on Wednesday mornings between 10.30am and mid-day.
Coffee and cake for just £2! That’s not all that’s on offer at the Coffee Pot! If you come join us on Wednesday mornings at 10.30 at the Village Hall – and if it is your first visit – our famous bottomless pot of Fair-trade coffee or tea will be free. And it doesn’t stop there. Everyone is welcome at the Coffee Pot and an opportunity to meet friends old and young for everyone else.
We support Fair-trade products. Then there’s Jemma’s delicious jams and chutneys, second-hand books at 50p a time, Ann’s beautiful homemade greetings cards and on the sales table, an opportunity to sell any bits and bobs you want to pass on to someone else.
The latest local news magazines ‘New Blackmore Vale’ and ‘New Stour and Avon’ are always available.
The Coffee Pot doesn’t aim to make a profit but when we do, we give it away!
So, if you are at home on a Wednesday, grab a friend and make a beeline for the Village Hall. You’ll be sure of a friendly welcome!
Contact – ebsemail@googlemail.com
Damerham Badminton Club usually open from September – April
Damerham Badminton Club meets in Damerham Village Hall every Tuesday evening from September to April, from 8 pm.
We are a friendly, social club who play for enjoyment and the opportunity to get and keep fit. We are a mixed group in terms of age, sex and badminton skills.
We would welcome new members to join us.
contact – niallblake@hotmail.co.uk
1st Thursday evening of every month
7.15pm (for 7.30 start)
Horticultural Society
Details of meetings etc can be found on the website – www.ddhs.co.uk.
Annual membership subscription: £5 single and £8 joint.
Contact – allenbds1@btinternet.com
Damerham Parish Council
Meetings are on the third Monday evening of alternate months at 7.30pm
(Bi-monthly; Jan, Mar etc)
Contact – clerk@damerham.net
Saturday 25th January 2025 2pm Jumble Sale run by “Tea and Chat”, Damerham.
Jumble ( clothes, books bric a brac but no electrical goods) can be brought to the hall from 10 am on the day .
There will be a raffle and refreshments.
Entry : 50p