Standard Conditions of Hire

If the Hirer is in any doubt as to the meaning of the following, the Booking Secretary (see contact details below’) should immediately be consulted.


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  1. *THE HIRER who will be the Person in Charge (or their appointee) will, during the period of the hiring, be present on the premises, when persons are in the hall and be responsible for supervision of the premises, the fabric and the contents, their care, safety from damage however slight or change of any sort and the behaviour of all persons using the premises whatever their capacity, including proper supervision of car parking arrangements so as to avoid obstruction of the highway. The trustees accept no responsibility for any criminal damage to patrons’ property whether within the building or in the car park and garden. You may appoint a ‘Person in Charge’ on your behalf.
  2. THE PERSON IN CHARGE shall read and understand the Emergency and Fire Safety Procedure which is posted in the foyer/entrance area of the Village hall and shall be the “person in charge” as stated in that procedure. Societies/Groups/Organisations etc should appoint a ‘Person in Charge’ for this purpose, whenever their group is using the building. Fire escape doors should never be blocked and be fully accessible at all times.
  3. Extra parking can be arranged by the management but at the risk of the vehicle owner, this is not covered by the village hall’s insurers (or by the sports field if this is used)
  4. *THE HIRER shall not sub-hire or use the premises or allow the premises to be used for any unlawful purpose or in any unlawful way nor do anything or bring onto the premises anything which may endanger the same (and particularly fireworks or the like) or any insurance policies in respect thereof nor allow the consumption of alcoholic liquor thereon except as stipulated at paragraphs 10 and 11 of the Hiring Agreement. Fire pits are not permitted.
  5. THE HIRER shall indemnify the Committee for the cost of the repair of any damage done to any part of the property or any curtilage thereof or the contents of the building, which may occur during the hiring or as a result of the hiring. Smoking is not allowed by law in any part of the premises.
  6. AT THE END of the hiring, the Hirer shall vacate the premises at the time stipulated at paragraph 7 of the Agreement, and shall be responsible for leaving the premises and surrounds in a clean and tidy condition, properly locked and secured unless directed otherwise and any contents temporarily removed from their usual positions properly replaced, all function related refuse to be taken away from the hall premises and not left on site, otherwise the Committee may make an additional charge for late vacation or for otherwise not meeting these conditions. Any failure to meet these conditions will be taken into account when considering any future application by the Hirer for the hire of the hall. Cleaning materials and equipment are available.
  7. YOUNG PERSONS IN THE HALL shall be properly supervised by adults at all times, inside and outside of the building
  8. IN THE EVENT of the Hall or any part thereof being rendered unfit for the use for which it has been hired the Committee shall not be liable to the Hirer for any resulting loss or damage whatsoever.
  9. DUE TO ROAD WIDTH RESTRICTIONS, hall users are respectfully asked NOT to park in West Park Lane, to the north of the Hall. Extra parking is available by arrangement with the Caretaker.
  10. HIRERS OR THEIR CATERERS are requested take away ALL refuse, from the Village Hall premises at the end of the hire. The village hall accepts no responsibily for any illness or death resulting from the consumption of food prepared on the premises or from food brought onto the premises for consumption therein.
  11. *THE PROVISION OF A LICENSED BAR for the sale of intoxicating liquor is permitted only if it is provided by ‘THE COMPASSES INN’.) Whilst the bar is open hirers may not provide their own alcohol and their guests may not bring alcohol onto or into the premises (including the car park and garden) without prior arrangement with The Designated Premises Supervisor (via the booking secretary). There will be no other alcohol available to any persons inside or outside of the building, Where a licensed bar is provided, bar staff may request age ID. The latest the bar may serve is 11pm (23.00). The consumption of alcohol is not permitted outside the building after 11pm (23.00). Bookings for a licensed bar can be made at the same time as the hall booking. All bar arrangements are made through the booking secretary including the opening times.
  12. *WHERE A LICENSED BAR IS NOT provided the Hirer may, in certain circumstances, serve but not sell alcohol but only with the permission of the Designated Premises Supervisor (via the Caretaker).
  13. *THE HIRER MUST ENSURE that their patrons or guests leave the premises at the end of the function in a quiet and orderly manner and to keep noise outside the building to a minimum during the function (particularly when patrons or guests are smoking outside), due the close proximity of local residents’ dwellings.
  14. *DURING THE PLAYING OF AMPLIFIED MUSIC AND SPEECH *(including Disco or live band) hirers MUST keep doors and windows closed (Doors except for access and egress) notices are posted to this effect. Extractor fans should be used for ventilation. In deference to local residents and to avoid noise pollution complaints, whenever music is played it shall cease at 11.00 pm (23.00).
  15. The playing of amplified music whether disco or live band is not permitted on a SUNDAY. (Background music is excepted). Amplified music is NOT permitted outside (garden & car park).
  16. DURING THE PLAYING OF AMPLIFIED MUSIC AND SPEECH all amplifying equipment must be powered from the DARK BROWN socket located at the west end of the hall (controlled by the ‘Noise Limiter’) and no other power source. FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY RESULT IN THE IMMEDIATE TERMINATION OF THE FUNCTION BY A MEMBER OF THE HALL MANAGEMENT OR THEIR REPRESENTATIVES.