Village Links


Damerham cricket club

Fluffy Chicks

Fluffy Chicks Parent & Toddler Group. Meets every Tuesday during school term time 9.30 – 11.45 at Damerham Village Hall.

There is a wide variety of activities for pre-preschoolers, crafts, music, and a dedicated, well equipped area for babies.

Entrance fee is per session and includes a drink and healthy snack for the little ones and tea or coffee for the parents and carers. Prices on request (see below).


Fun Quest
Parents with kids at Fluffy Chicks

Damerham Cricket Club

Damerham Cricket Club plays Saturday League, Wednesday League, Sunday friendlies and they now run a Colts side.

Cricket has been played at Damerham for about 150 years.

DCC Logo


Damerham cricket club

Damerham Badminton Club

Damerham Badminton Club meets in Damerham Village Hall every Tuesday evening from 8 pm during the season from September to the end of April.

We are a friendly, social club who play for enjoyment and the opportunity to get and keep fit. We are a mixed group in terms of age, sex and badminton skills.

We would welcome new members to join us.


Damerham Badminton Club

Damerham and District Horticultural Society

The Horticultural Society has been part of village life for some considerable time. We recently celebrated the 85 th anniversary of our Summer Show! Gardening and allotment keeping are an important activity in many people’s lives, therefore the Horticultural Society is the place to be to meet with like – minded people and learn more about it. We have about 200 members from the local villages and beyond.

The Society runs two Shows each year in Spring and Summer. The Spring Show is held in Damerham Village Hall as can be seen in the accompanying picture, whilst the Summer Show is in a marquee on the Sportsfield as part of the Damerham Village Fair. In addition we hold events such as Apple Day and Plant Sales, plus visits to interesting gardens and talks and workshops on gardening issues and problems. A social highlight of our year is the Summer Drinks Party held in a local garden.

Annual membership costs only £3.00 per person or £5.00 per couple at the same address. To join contact our Membership Secretary on

Daffodils in vases on tables